Alien Abductions.

Was I Abducted ?

A Married couple living in a suburb of Newcastle ( NSW), were puzzled by a brilliant white light shining in through their bedroom window one night in 1974. Their ævenetianÆ blinds were partly closed so as to stop the light from outside shining in . The house was elevated above the ground and surrounded by bushland. It was late in the evening when they heard a strange noise ô something like an electrical motor high pitch hum ô. Suddenly their bedroom lit up with a bright white light, ô as bright as a strobe light ô. ô It could not have come from ground level, because of the surrounding bush ô. ô The light came from up above, and down through the blinds ô. ô We became scared but I had to get out of bed to have a look, and see if I could see the source of the noise and lightö. ô I remember placing my feet on the floor, and suddenly the light went out, and I heard a ô fff ô type noise as if the object flew offö. ô That is all I remember of the incident ô. The next day there was a story in the local newspaper reporting the sighting of a strange light moving very fast across the sky that same night.


This gentleman contacted me after reading a magazine story containing an æabductionÆ that I had been investigating. On reading the article he became unexplainably uneasy and agitated within himself. As if he too had a similar connection, but could not remember. Upon recalling the incident with his wife, she said that she remembers something happening but can not remember what. Even though, on the night of the incident, she was so afraid she was crying. Under normal circumstances you would think that you would remember something so dramatic.ááBecause of the æ feelings æ he has when thinking of the incident, he has requested Hypnotherapy to see if anything did happen that night.

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Copyright © Barry Taylor 1996